Below you will a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. If you have a question that is on here, please send us a message.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do you define 'indie'?/Is it ok to submit videos of X?

A: We're not trying to define indie or anything of that sort. Our main goal is to help promote games that can't afford much PR-wise, so please avoid submitting videos of games that have AAA publishers. In the end, we leave this distinction up to you. However, we reserve the right to remove games we feel do not fit here along with the videos tied to them.

Q: How do I submit videos?

A: You must register for an account (register here.) You must then edit your profile and enter your YouTube channel (so that we can verify the videos that you're submitting are yours.) You can then visit the video page (click the Let's Play link at the top, The Community -> All Videos), click the Submit Video menu item (from The Community dropdown) or the My Videos page (click the person icon in the top right corner and click the My Videos link from the drop down.) All else fails, you can visit this url:

Q: How do I submit game's to play articles?

A: You must register for an account (register here.) You can then visit the articles page (click the Games to Play link at the top, The Community -> All Articles), click the Submit Article menu item (from The Community dropdown) or the My Articles page (click the person icon in the top right corner and click the My Articles link from the drop down.) All else fails, you can visit this url:

Q: How do I submit a game that is not on the list?

A: You must register for an account (register here.) You can then visit the games page (click the The Community -> All Games) or click the Submit Game menu item (from The Community dropdown.) All else fails, you can visit this url:

Q: When I edit an article, it disappears?

A: Each time an article is edited, it must be reviewed and approved by a moderator/administrator. This should happen fairly quickly; if it does not, please feel free to contact one of our team members via email or Twitter. It should still show in your My Articles area, so if it does not please let us know immediately.

Q: Do you support videos with multiple users.

A: Not currently, but we do have plans to do so in the future. Regardless, these videos need to be posted by the user who has the video on their channel.

Q: Do you support videos with multiple games.

A: Yes! When selecting the game you can check multiple games.