Indie Game of the Week - Party Hard
Party Hard by Pinokl Games
Played by Martyr
Remember that phrase "Silence is golden"? Well, knives are silver. In this twisted Stealth/Puzzle game. You are out for revenge against your loud neighbors. Developer Pinokl Games and Publisher Tinybuild, lets loose the dogs of pixel mayhem as you butcher your way through an entire parties worth of people. Using your trust knife or an assortment of horrible traps and deadly tricks. You've got to be careful though and dance your ass off otherwise the police will begin to grow suspicious of your murdering ways. While this particular video was just a demo, the official game will have alot more content and hilarious pixel chaos. So join me and Let's Party Hard! Party Hard is still in ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT and is SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Big thanks to the developer/publisher for a chance to play this game! If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to subscribe, like and share for more future videos and it really helps me out! Thanks for watching. Game: Demo: Developer: Publisher: Subscribe to my channel for more gaming action! Follow me on Twitter Steam Curator List: If you enjoyed this please hit the like button! That would be spiffy!
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